Kathy Kliebert
Thibodaux , LA ,
Thibodaux , LA ,
Thibodaux , LA ,
Kathy Kliebert is retired as the representative of the Louisiana Medicaid Managed Care Organization Association providing legislative and consulting services for the five Medicaid health plans in Louisiana. Prior to this role she served as Secretary of the state’s Department of Health and Hospitals from March 2013 to January 2016 after a long-term career in public service in Louisiana. She was been a leader in the Department for more than 28 years, where she led efforts to promote independent living for individuals with developmental disabilities and transform behavioral health care services for hundreds of thousands of Louisiana residents. Prior to her appointment as Secretary, Kliebert served as the Department’s Deputy Secretary, where she provided leadership to the agency’s program offices, including the Offices for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities, Behavioral Health, Public Health, and Aging and Adult Services.
She has over 26 years of experience as a licensed clinical social worker and has a master's degree in social work. She currently serves as chair of the Bridge Center for Hope, serves as past chair of the Louisiana Educational Television Board.
Ms. Kliebert has been married for 41 years, has three children and seven grandchildren.