Eunice , LA ,
Dr. Nancee Sorenson, Ed. D. Chancellor, Louisiana State University – Eunice,
Eunice, Louisiana.
Dr. Sorenson joined Louisiana State University Eunice (LSUE) in June of 2019. She has an expansive career in higher education and previously served in executive and leadership positions in Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Florida, in Tucson, Arizona at Pima Community College and at the IVTC Community College system in Indiana. Dr. Sorenson’s career focuses on student learning and advocacy, workforceand economic development, and on leading strategic initiatives in innovation and public-private partnerships.
Dr. Sorenson’s guiding principle is that “two year colleges create opportunities to upward mobility for every citizen”. Recent work that demonstrates her dedication to this is: the selection of LSUE as one of seven two year colleges in the country to be selected by Achieving The Dream ™ as a Rural Cohort Institute to prepare citizens for The Future of Work; in 2024 LSUE was the recipient of $3.25M from the federal Rural Development fund to support the development of a STEAM (Science Technology Engineering, Agriculture and Math) Innovation Center to build the academic future of LSUE and support business and industry across the Acadiana Region; serving on the Executive Council of the Louisiana MJ Foster Promise Program, the selection of LSUE as a 2021 Awardee of the Delta Regional Authority Workforce Foundation to support Agriculture; leading the continued expansion of Allied Health Programs with major healthcare providers in the Acadiana area, facilitating expanded partnerships with local school districts, and fostering a campus wide culture focused on student success. Hermantra is how to get to “Yes”.
Active in the community locally and nationally, she serves on the Senate District 28 Advisory Committee for Senator Heather Cloud, Commission on Women’s Policy and Research, as a board member for Acadian Medical Center, Vision St. Landry of the St. Landry Economic Development District, the St. Landry Chamber of Commerce, the Eunice Chamber of Commerce, the Acadiana Planning Commission, One Acadiana,Ellevate Louisiana and a board member of the Higher Education Research, Development and Innovation (HERDI) South Board. She is a member of the National Board of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). She completed the Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Master of Science in Agency Counseling at Indiana State University and holds a Doctorate of Education in Educational Administration from The University of Texas at Austin and was named a Colvert and Gleazer Scholar.
She is the proud mother Sarah Lile and Eric Sorenson and grandmother to Carter and Addison Lile.