Dr. Laura Badeaux
Thibodaux , LA ,
Dr. Laura Badeaux founded the Louisiana Center for Women in Government and Business in 1990 and served its Board as President and Vice President. In 2008, she became Director of the Center and has increased Center programming from two to ten programs, including Louisiana Girls Leadership Academy, Louisiana Women’s Leadership Summit on Small Business Entrepreneurship, Congress to Campus, and Hall of Fame.
Badeaux serves on the Governor’s Policy and Research Commission on the Status of Women, and previously served as chair under three governors.
Badeaux serves Lafourche Parish as Chair of the Commission on Women, a position she has held for more than 25 years under four parish presidents. She has served the Bylaws Committee of the National Association of Commissions on Women and trains groups on Robert’s Rules of Order, including Louisiana Municipal Association of Cities.
Badeaux has also served as a Board Member for Louisiana League of Women Voters and as organizing chair of the Lafourche Unit. As a community activist, she organized and served as President for the Volunteers for Juvenile Justice, The Lafourche Cancer Society, The Bayou Junior Women’s Club, Lafourche Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, the Louisiana Jaycee Jaynes, The Louisiana Federation of Women’s Club District III, and numerous others.
Dr. Badeaux holds a Ph. D. in Management, Business Communications and Marketing from Louisiana State University and is a full professor in the Department of Petroleum Services at Nicholls State University. She has served Nicholls as President of the Faculty Senate and founded PRO-NSU, a community support organization. Badeaux is a well known speaker on leadership, communication, public relations, power and politics and has authored some 20 publications. She has been honored as one of the 10 Outstanding Young Women in America, as an inductee in the Louisiana Center for Women and Government Hall of Fame, and as one of only three women named as the Outstanding Citizen of Thibodaux by the Veterans of Foreign Wars.